Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Belgium Snow Day

Review from January 5th, 2012, via THE NOTEBOOK...

New Belgium Snow Day (Black IPA)
Brewed By: New Belgium Brewing Company
Style: Black IPA
ABV: 6.2%

What the brewer says...

"Pleasantly hoppy, Snow Day carries the subtle chocolate and caramel flavors of a new brewing malt known as Midnight Wheat. The Styrian Golding, Centennial and Cascade hops bring the backbone of hoppy bitterness to complement the roasty undertones. This beer is the deep garnet of a roasted walnut and presents a creamy tan head, floating artfully atop. Snow Day is bold and hoppy, drinkable and strong."

What I say...

I found this one during a trip down to Minot that resulted in $20 worth of customs fees on beer alone.  New Belgium was plentiful down there, but I got this particular 6 pack at one of the Marketplace Liquorstores.

It pours a glorious black with a generous amount of head, but the prize here is the aroma - it's wonderfully hoppy with a citrus nose.

The head fades down to a thin layer after a few minutes but leaves nice lacing all the way down the glass.  It's nicely hopped on the first taste and the roasted malts come out on the finish.  Lingering hop bitterness on the tongue after swallowing.  Surprisingly smooth for a high-hop beer.  There is of course some bitterness left in your mouth, but it's not overwhelming at all.

Aroma: 8/10
Appearance: 4/5
Taste: 8/10
Palate: 4/5

Overall: 17/20

I loved this beer.  If I could get it in Manitoba, I'd likely pick up a fresh case once a week.  Two thumbs up. 

View on Ratebeer.com 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Traquair Jacobite Ale

My first review from December 30, 2011, via THE NOTEBOOK...

Traquair Jacobite Ale (Traditional Ale)
Brewed By: Traquair
Style: Traditional Ale
ABV: 8%

What the brewer says...

"Brewed to celebrate the anniversary of the 1745 Jacobite rebellion the ale proved to be so popular it has become a permanent addition to the range. Based on an eighteenth century recipe the ale is spiced with coriander which gives a remarkably fresh aftertaste."

What I say...

 Picked this one up at the Brandon Liquormart some time in November and it sat in my cellar for a few weeks until I cracked it just before New Year's Eve.

Categorized as a "traditional ale" by RateBeer.com, Jacobite Ale has a light nutty, roasted smell, with no discernible hop characteristics. The aroma is quite subtle here.

It pours reddish brown with a creamy head initially, which fades to very thin lace in short order.

Initial flavor is slightly sweet before a pleasant bitterness comes through on the finish, leaving a burnt malt taste on the palate.  It's certainly not a light beer, but I wouldn't call it heavy either..  Carbonation is minimal and the alcohol taste is muted, particular when you consider the 8% ABV stat.

Aroma: 6/10
Appearance: 3/5
Taste: 7/10
Palate: 3/5

Overall: 15/20

This guy is currently sitting at 99/99 over on ratebeer, but it doesn't rate quite that highly in my books.  While the taste is good, and it's quite drinkable, in the end it's somewhat unremarkable, and that hurts it a bit, I think.

View on Ratebeer.com

A quick first post

Fortunately, I can read my own hand-writing.

After spending an evening drinking beer and chatting with The Cranky Beer Blogger, I decided that I should start putting my notes and pictures up in a public place, instead of just throwing reviews on RateBeer.com and dumping pictures on Facebook that only my buddies can see.

So, I've set this up. Most posts will likely be beer related, but you should see the odd post about computers or life in general as well.

I think I'll start by dumping out the contents of my trusty notebook; I've got a pile of old reviews and pictures to match em, so it'll be a good place to start.
